Friday, January 18, 2008

"Some day" said the fire hydrant "Some day..."


Johnathy said...

I do believe this idea was Jake's from a while ago? And if it isn't then I'M brilliant.

Anonymous said...

hurray everyones a winner, well more to the point john and/or jake....also good comic

Anonymous said...

hahaha great drawing john, yes im sorry but i did tell you this one but you gave it life! good comic john

Anonymous said...

Indeed. Kudos.

Anonymous said...

So about a comic?

Gordo said...

I'll do it in the commercials!
or umm, when i get back from the bdo trip.

Anonymous said...

Ha. Hehe....nice one Jake, nice interpretation john.

Gordo said...

so vanilla_echo, seems you're a fan of gj-comics. thats awesome. but umm, who are ya?
one of jakes friends or something?