Saturday, April 21, 2007

Wanna Date?


Alex said...

hehe he should ask her to a cocktail party...




...then threaten her with a molotov cocktail!

Alex said...

i hope no-one missed my clever joke. better read again jsut to make sure you got it.

Johnathy said...

Hahahaha. Oh, Alex...

Johnathy said...

Also, I am going to Coffs Harbour for a while so I probably (definitely) won't be posting any comics, so I guess you'll have to rely on *sigh* GORDON for your comic entertainment...

Anonymous said...

when will you be back? bring firewood

Alex said...

does this mean you're getting a car john?! that would be sah-weet. it better be black with a checker-board roof, otherwise you, my friend, jsut wasted a lot of money.

Gordo said...

Another 1 framer from *sigh* JOHN. Hey i'm aboot to post.

Johnathy said...

Man you can be a little bitch Gordon. This is the THIRD time we've been through this, and I'm not going to stop making them.

Alex said...

I can't help but notice that your last comment was a one-liner, JOHN. There's a little thing called delivery; look it up sometime.

Gordo said...

Aahahaha, oh man you like to overreact john. When I wrote that it was purely a rebuttle to your attempt at paying me out, and i was all like "whats the bet john will overreact majorly to this" and you did!
(time for me to have a little rant(overreaction?))
seriously the one framers are madcool, don't stop em! but humerous conversation (more than you can fit in one frame) are usualy harder to think up......whatever, i don't care.
Just quit knockin MY comics, alright fark! I know I can't draw for shit, but seriously, let me try to be as good as the master (you) aye john. That goes for everyone else you thinks i'm getting (or always was) shit at this.