Friday, March 21, 2008

the evolution of night life

This comic brought to you today by Jared Filby, the letter B and the number 69


Gordo said...

Yeah, heres a comic.
The idea was Filby's.
I made it.
I am hungover as shit.

Anonymous said...

see, if only this was true there'd be no lines to actually piss, we'd all be better off. and all the awful people would have their own special bathroom...

Gordo said...

ahh, quick to judge are we robbie?

I'm not defending the low-standards base society filby poked fun at in this comic, by the way.

I'm just trying to point out that you've immediately labeled those who've hooked up in bathrooms at a nightclub, bar or pub ever as "awful".

Anonymous said...

i'm aware of that, i do think before i speak. or...type

Anonymous said...
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Alex said...

Filby I'll give you money if you start up a rival site called BJ Comics that gets more hits than this one.

Gordo said...

hehe nice one alex, I'll chip in for that bet there too filbo!

Robbie: well ok then, you have stood your ground sir.
But I am most inclined to disagree with people who are quick to judge so harshly.

Alex said...

Yeah the sweetener on that wager for us is that BJ comics is severely restricted in its subject matter.

...not that I'm dissin' the subject matter...

Anonymous said...

gordon hooking up in the toilets is a dirty place and activity, its not a matter of so quick to judge its a matter of piss on a toilet seat not being the most romantic place for a headjob, no matter how attractive the girl may be

Anonymous said...

Don't like it. Sorry.

Cathy said...

well i loved it.
but that was just me

Gordo said...

Pete: is it cos its filby's? or because its dry, contemporary social commentary in its most purile form?

Jake: I cannot agree with everything you said more, and I have NO intension of hooking up in a piss stained toilet any time now or in the near future. the point i was *trying* to make, is that I don't think its OK to judge people. thats all. in THIS case however, we can I suppose throw a general blanket of judgement, as was half the joke of the comic. But anyways... I feel like I've left something out...

Cathy: you're a way cool chick, wanna.. ya know.. swing by the toilets?

Gordo said...

Fuck I was you could edit comments... or I wish at least I could remember to spell check them or something.

Johnathy said...

Woah chaps! Everyone.. own opinion... speech being free... so forth...

Personally I think it was a pretty clever joke, well done Filby and sweet drawing Gordon.

Also, BJ Comics: hilarious!

Anonymous said...

i like this one! only thing i noticed is..the girl on the ladies toilets dress is REALLY long! but other than that its fabulous :)

Anonymous said...

well i think its funny Gordon/filby,
no need to be all judgmental.

jake; its a comic you don't need to bring ethics and romance into it,its not like you have to go do it now or that Gordon does it.its just a statement.

keep up the good work guys.