Sunday, May 25, 2008

I have nothing against star trek, I just think it's lame.


Anonymous said...

Hahaha, that would be awkward.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure its happened at some point. I mean I'm a fan of William Shattner, so thats close. but a fan of William Shattner in everything but star trek. gordon, writers block?

Gordo said...

yeah I've had woeful writers block, comicly speaking.
but today I had like.. 3 ideas! which is like as many ideas as i've had in the previous 3 months!
so as soon as i get a bit of time to make 'em (prolly friday) i'll pump out two comics right before the end of the month

also: I bet this totally happened to john! it did didn't it?

Gordo said...

p.s. I mean the comic john.. not the writers block, but probably the writers block too, right?
yeah... writers comics..I mean comic block.. I mean, irritable bowell syndrome. eh I give up

Anonymous said...

haha yeah i bet john was the guy doing the star trek signal!

Anonymous said...

yeah it was me guys

Anonymous said...

yeah john youve admites it!....ok it was me putting a comment but using name as john

Johnathy said...

Aw Jake, you got me!

So Gordon.... Friday's running out, as is May...

Johnathy said...

Disappointing Gordon, disappointing.